2012年7月3日 星期二


大家好我是方西瓜。今天是我第一天到 nvesto 實習  這裡的環境非常的好 也很舒適,最重要的是可以有比較多的時間和彈性可以充實自己。今天早上 Paul 老闆對於昨天的幾檔股票做了一個簡單的brief  然後叫我們看了一篇關於彭淮南對於歐元區的看法,我自己又把Paul 開的書單的第一本看了一下, 下午聽了一位研究生的一篇關於事件影響股價的論文,跟我之前的想法不謀而合。

There are some interesting things that I have discussed with other interns. First, I chat with Luke about the problems and delimma in Taiwan medicine industry. Cause he majors in medicine, he knows the details of the flaws in the system, especially in National health insurance. There is a sue in Taiwan about a man with status accuse a doctor for a fail operation, while most doctors stand out and protest that the doctor who did the surgical operation is innocent. We have discuss the issue from many aspects, trying to figure out some possible solution to these drawback. From my point of view, there are indeed some bad incentives for doctors to avoid the annoying operations, which would definitely cause more disaster in Taiwan. For examples, the doctors would consider that they might be sued because of a fail operation, they would try to take the one with high risk; however, in this case, ppl who really have the need to take the operation would loss the chance to be cured.

接著我又看了一些關於預見未來的一些章節,這次看到的部分比較有感覺的是關於貿易壁壘,trade protectionism 通常是在國家或是世界景氣不好的時候會發生的事情,由於景氣不太好,因此國家為了保護自身的產品或是競爭力以及貿易順差,採取了一個比較次級的方法,友就是增加進口關稅使得進口減少,可是這就是一場賽局,如此一來會得到一個比較不好的均衡,也就是全世界都實行trade protectionism 這樣一來全世界的貿易量會猛然下降對於景氣更慘。以賽局的角度來看,這件事必然會發生,所以要解決或許可以賽局的角度下手。先回到剛剛的醫生困境,若是可以採取任何人手術時先收取基本費用,若是可以手術成功的話,醫生可以獲得更多的報酬,但是只要病人同意手術就放棄所有的法律追訴權。這樣或許可以解決兩方的問題。首先,由於不會有法律的追訴權,因此醫生不會有後顧之憂,而這樣的給付制度可以誘使醫生盡力的開刀,達到一個好的均衡。所以是否也有甚麼機制可以阻止貿易壁壘的產生或許也是各個國家可以討論的範疇。但換個角度想想,貿易壁壘它究竟是一個均衡,或許是產業轉型的必經過程,每個國家閉門苦練,然後先得到一些好處,然後在嘗到苦果之後,在重新開放自由貿易,在一決高下。

